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Localizzazione Bucheon : Paese Corea del Sud, Provincia Gyeonggi.
Informazioni disponibili : Coordinate geografiche, Popolazione, Altitudine, Superficie, Tempo e Hotel.
Città e paesi vicini : Incheon, Gwangmyeong e Gimpo.


Aggiornare i dati

PaeseCorea del Sud

Demografia Bucheon

Popolazione Bucheon852.758 abitanti
Densità della popolazione Bucheon15.957,3 /km²

Geografia Bucheon

Coordinate geografiche BucheonLatitudine: 37.44, Longitudine: 126.766
37° 26′ 24″ Nord, 126° 45′ 58″ Est
Superficie Bucheon5.344 ettari
53,44 km²
Altitudine Bucheon18 m
Clima BucheonClima subtropicale umido (Classificazione dei climi di Köppen: Cwa)

Distanza Bucheon

Seul 23 kmPusan 326 kmIncheon 6 km la più vicina
Taegu 245 kmDaejeon 141 kmGwangju 260 km
Suwon 34 kmUlsan 315 kmChangwon 301 km
Anseong 71 kmAnsan 21 kmAnyang 20 km

Cartina e mappa Bucheon

Città e paesi vicini Bucheon

Incheon 5.7 kmGwangmyeong 9.1 kmGimpo 13.1 km
Siheung 14.3 kmGoyang 18.2 kmAnyang 19.9 km

Gemellaggio Bucheon

Orario Bucheon

Ora locale Bucheon
Fuso orario BucheonUTC +9:00 (Asia/Seoul)
L'ora estiva e l'ora invernale non differiscono dall'ora standard

Tempo Bucheon

Alba e tramonto Bucheon

GiornoAlba e tramontoCrepuscoloCrepuscolo astronomicoCrepuscolo nautico
27 Marzo22:25 - 04:38 - 10:5021:59 - 11:1621:29 - 11:47 20:57 - 12:19
28 Marzo22:24 - 04:38 - 10:5121:58 - 11:1721:27 - 11:48 20:55 - 12:20
29 Marzo22:22 - 04:37 - 10:5221:56 - 11:1821:25 - 11:49 20:54 - 12:21
30 Marzo22:21 - 05:37 - 11:5321:55 - 12:1921:24 - 12:50 20:52 - 13:22
31 Marzo23:19 - 05:37 - 11:5422:53 - 12:2022:22 - 12:51 21:50 - 13:23
1 Aprile23:18 - 05:36 - 11:5522:52 - 12:2122:21 - 12:52 21:49 - 13:24
2 Aprile23:16 - 05:36 - 11:5622:50 - 12:2222:19 - 12:53 21:47 - 13:25

Hotel Bucheon

Hotel Hotel LavenderHotel Lavender
Placed in the heart of Siheung City just an 8-minute walk to the beautiful Sorae Mountain, Hotel Lavender offers well-appointed rooms with air-conditioning and free Wi-Fi access... mostra altro
Hotel Regency MotelRegency Motel

Regency Motel offers beautiful rooms equipped with computers and free Wi-Fi. It is located just a 3-minute walk away from Bucheon Subway Station, offering easy access to popular attractions in Incheon and Seoul... mostra altro
Hotel Polo Tourist HotelPolo Tourist Hotel

Situated just a 3-minute walk from Incheon Soraepogu Station (Suin Subway Station), Polo Tourist Hotel offers easy accessibility around Incheon and Seoul. It offers free Wi-Fi access and rooms with a computer... mostra altro
Hotel Film 37.2Film 37.2
Film 37.2 features modern, boutique-style rooms with a flat-screen TV and computer equipped with free wired internet. The hotel is located in front of Bucheon Station (Seoul Subway line No.1), where the E-mart mega shopping mall is located... mostra altro
Hotel Secret Motel, BucheonSecret Motel, Bucheon

Secret Motel, Bucheon, is located 320 metres from Bucheon Subway Station. This modern motel features rooms with a computer and free wired internet. Free popcorn, coffee and ice-cream are provided in the lobby... mostra altro
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DB-City.comBucheon 4.3/5 (2020-01-30 11:50:03)